
Documentation for Mooncake.jl is on its way!

Note (03/10/2024): Various bits of utility functionality are now carefully documented. This includes how to change the code which Mooncake sees, declare that the derivative of a function is zero, make use of existing ChainRules.rrules to quicky create new rules in Mooncake, and more.

Note (02/07/2024): The first round of documentation has arrived. This is largely targetted at those who are interested in contributing to Mooncake.jl – you can find this work in the "Understanding Mooncake.jl" section of the docs. There is more to to do, but it should be sufficient to understand how AD works in principle, and the core abstractions underlying Mooncake.jl.

Note (29/05/2024): I (Will) am currently actively working on the documentation. It will be merged in chunks over the next month or so as good first drafts of sections are completed. Please don't be alarmed that not all of it is here!