Misc. Internals Notes

This document contains an assortment of notes on some implementation details in Mooncake.jl. It is occassionally helpful to have them here for reference, but they are typically not essential reading unless working on the specific parts of Mooncake.jl to which they pertain.

tangent_type and friends

Last checked: 21/01/2025, Julia v1.10.7 / v1.11.2, Mooncake 0.4.


Mooncake.jl makes extensive use of @generated functions to ensure that its tangent_type function (among others) is both type-stable, and constant folds. I recently changed how tangent_type is implemented in Mooncake.jl to ensure that the implementations respect some specific limitations of generated functions. Here I outline the overall problem, the mistake the previous implementation made, and how the recent changes fix it.


tangent_type is a regular Julia function, which given a "primal" type returns another type, the tangent type. It is side-effect free, and its return value is determined entirely by the type of its argument. This means it should be possible to constant-fold. For example, consider the following definitions:

tangent_type(::Type{Float64}) = Float64
tangent_type(::Type{P}) where {P<:Tuple} = Tuple{map(tangent_type, fieldtypes(P))...}

If we inspect the IRCode associated to this for Float64, we see that everything is as expected – the function literally just returns Float64:

julia> Base.code_ircode(tangent_type, (Type{Float64}, ))[1]
 1 ─     return Main.Float64
  => Type{Float64}

A simple Tuple type will also have this property:

julia> Base.code_ircode(tangent_type, (Type{Tuple{Float64}}, ))[1]
 1 ─     return Tuple{Float64}
  => Type{Tuple{Float64}}

However, for even slightly more complicated types, things fall over:

julia> Base.code_ircode(tangent_type, (Type{Tuple{Tuple{Float64}}}, ))[1]
1 1 ─ %1 = Main.tangent_type::Core.Const(tangent_type)
  │   %2 = invoke %1(Tuple{Float64}::Type{Tuple{Float64}})::Type{<:Tuple}
  │   %3 = Core.apply_type(Tuple, %2)::Type{<:Tuple}
  └──      return %3
   => Type{<:Tuple}

This is just one specific example, but it is really very straightforward to find others, necessitating a hunt for a more robust way of implementing tangent_type.

Bad Generated Function Implementation

You might think to instead implement tangent_type for Tuples as follows:

bad_tangent_type(::Type{Float64}) = Float64
@generated function bad_tangent_type(::Type{P}) where {P<:Tuple}
    return Tuple{map(bad_tangent_type, fieldtypes(P))...}
bad_tangent_type(::Type{Float32}) = Float32

Since the generated function literally just returns the type that we want, it will definitely constant-fold:

julia> Base.code_ircode(bad_tangent_type, (Type{Tuple{Tuple{Float64}}}, ))[1]
1 1 ─     return Tuple{Tuple{Float64}}
   => Type{Tuple{Tuple{Float64}}}

However, this implementation has a crucial flaw: we rely on the definition of bad_tangent_type in the body of the @generated method of bad_tangent_type. This means that if we e.g. add methods to bad_tangent_type after the initial definition, they won't show up. For example, in the above block, we defined the method of bad_tangent_type for Float32 after that of Tuples. This results in the following error when we call bad_tangent_type(Tuple{Float32}):

julia> bad_tangent_type(Tuple{Float32})
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching bad_tangent_type(::Type{Float32})
The applicable method may be too new: running in world age 26713, while current world is 26714.

Closest candidates are:
  bad_tangent_type(::Type{Float32}) (method too new to be called from this world context.)
   @ Main REPL[10]:1
   @ Main REPL[8]:1
  bad_tangent_type(::Type{P}) where P<:Tuple
   @ Main REPL[9]:1

 [1] map(f::typeof(bad_tangent_type), t::Tuple{DataType})
   @ Base ./tuple.jl:355
 [2] #s1#1
   @ ./REPL[9]:2 [inlined]
 [3] var"#s1#1"(P::Any, ::Any, ::Any)
   @ Main ./none:0
 [4] (::Core.GeneratedFunctionStub)(::UInt64, ::LineNumberNode, ::Any, ::Vararg{Any})
   @ Core ./boot.jl:707
 [5] top-level scope
   @ REPL[12]:1

This behaviour of @generated functions is discussed in the Julia docs – I would recommend reading this bit of the docs if you've not previously, as the explanation is quite clear.

Good Generated Function Implementation

@generated functions can still come to our rescue though. A better implementation is as follows:

good_tangent_type(::Type{Float64}) = Float64
@generated function good_tangent_type(::Type{P}) where {P<:Tuple}
    exprs = map(p -> :(good_tangent_type($p)), fieldtypes(P))
    return Expr(:curly, :Tuple, exprs...)
good_tangent_type(::Type{Float32}) = Float32

This leads to generated code which constant-folds / infers correctly:

julia> Base.code_ircode(good_tangent_type, (Type{Tuple{Tuple{Float64}}}, ))[1]
1 1 ─     return Tuple{Tuple{Float64}}
   => Type{Tuple{Tuple{Float64}}}

I believe this works better because the recursion doesn't happen through another function, but appears directly in the function body. This is right at the edge of my understanding of Julia's compiler heuristics surrounding recursion though, so I might be mistaken.

It also behaves correctly under the addition of new methods of good_tangent_type, because good_tangent_type only appears in the expression returned by the generated function, not the body of the generated function itself:

julia> good_tangent_type(Tuple{Float32})

Effects Etc

This implementation is nearly sufficient to guarantee correct performance in all situations. However, in some cases it is possible that even this implementation will fall over. Annoyingly I've not managed to produce a MWE that is even vaguely minimal in order to support this example, so you'll just have to believe me.

Based on all of the examples that I have seen thus far, it appears to be true that if you just tell the compiler that

  1. for the same inputs, the function always returns the same outputs, and
  2. the function has no side-effects, so can be removed,

everything will always constant fold nicely. This can be achieved by using the Base.@assume_effects macro in your method definitions, with the effects :consistent and :removable.

How Recursion Is Handled

Last checked: 09/02/2025, Julia v1.10.8 / v1.11.3, Mooncake 0.4.82.

Mooncake handles recursive function calls by delaying code generation for generic function calls until the first time that they are actually run. The docstring below contains a thorough explanation:

LazyDerivedRule(interp, mi::Core.MethodInstance, debug_mode::Bool)

For internal use only.

A type-stable wrapper around a DerivedRule, which only instantiates the DerivedRule when it is first called. This is useful, as it means that if a rule does not get run, it does not have to be derived.

If debug_mode is true, then the rule constructed will be a DebugRRule. This is useful when debugging, but should usually be switched off for production code as it (in general) incurs some runtime overhead.

Note: the signature of the primal for which this is a rule is stored in the type. The only reason to keep this around is for debugging – it is very helpful to have this type visible in the stack trace when something goes wrong, as it allows you to trivially determine which bit of your code is the culprit.

Extended Help

There are two main reasons why deferring the construction of a DerivedRule until we need to use it is crucial.

The first is to do with recursion. Consider the following function:

f(x) = x > 0 ? f(x - 1) : x

If we generate the IRCode for this function, we will see something like the following:

julia> Base.code_ircode_by_type(Tuple{typeof(f), Float64})[1][1]
1 1 ─ %1  = Base.lt_float(0.0, _2)::Bool
  │   %2  = Base.or_int(%1, false)::Bool
  └──       goto #6 if not %2
  2 ─ %4  = Base.sub_float(_2, 1.0)::Float64
  │   %5  = Base.lt_float(0.0, %4)::Bool
  │   %6  = Base.or_int(%5, false)::Bool
  └──       goto #4 if not %6
  3 ─ %8  = Base.sub_float(%4, 1.0)::Float64
  │   %9  = invoke Main.f(%8::Float64)::Float64
  └──       goto #5
  4 ─       goto #5
  5 ┄ %12 = φ (#3 => %9, #4 => %4)::Float64
  └──       return %12
  6 ─       return _2

Suppose that we decide to construct a DerivedRule immediately whenever we find an :invoke statement in a rule that we're currently building a DerivedRule for. In the above example, we produce an infinite recursion when we attempt to produce a DerivedRule for %9, because it has the same signature as the call which generates this IR. By instead adopting a policy of constructing a LazyDerivedRule whenever we encounter an :invoke statement, we avoid this problem.

The second reason that delaying the construction of a DerivedRule, is essential is that it ensures that we don't derive rules for method instances which aren't run. Suppose that function B contains code for which we can't derive a rule – perhaps it contains an unsupported language feature like a PhiCNode or an UpsilonNode. Suppose that function A contains an :invoke which refers to function B, but that this call is on a branch which deals with error handling, and doesn't get run run unless something goes wrong. By deferring the derivation of the rule for B, we only ever attempt to derive it if we land on this error handling branch. Conversely, if we attempted to derive the rule for B when we derive the rule for A, we would be unable to complete the derivation of the rule for A.


Compilation process

Last checked: 09/02/2025, Julia v1.10.8 / v1.11.3, Mooncake 0.4.83.

This brief informal note was largely written by Guillaume Dalle while learning how Mooncake's internals operate for reverse-mode, in order to be able to add forwards-mode AD. It should help readers orient themsleves when first trying to understand Mooncake's internals.

Rule building is done statically, based on types. Some methods accept values, e.g.

build_rrule(args...; debug_mode=false)

but these simply extract the type of all arguments and call another method of build_rrule.

The action happens in s2s_reverse_mode_ad.jl, in particular the following method:

build_rrule(interp::MooncakeInterpreter{C}, sig_or_mi; debug_mode=false)

sig_or_mi is either a signature, such as Tuple{typeof(foo), Float64}, or a Core.MethodInstance. Signatures are extracted from Core.MethodInstances as necessary.

If a signature has a custom rule (Mooncake.is_primitive returns true), we take it, otherwise we generate the IR and differentiate it.

The forward- and reverse-pass IRs are created by generate_ir. The OpaqueClosure allows going back from the IR to a callable object. More precisely we use MistyClosure to store the associated IR.

The Pullback and DerivedRule structs are convenience wrappers for MistyClosures with some bookkeeping.

Diving one level deeper, in the following method:

    interp::MooncakeInterpreter, sig_or_mi; debug_mode=false, do_inline=true

The function lookup_ir calls Core.Compiler.typeinf_ircode on a method instance, which is a lower-level version of Base.code_ircode.

The IR considered is of type IRCode, which is different from the CodeInfo returned by @code_typed. This format is obtained from CodeInfo, used to perform most optimizations in the Julia IR in the evaluation pipeline, then converted back to CodeInfo.

The function normalise! is a custom pass to modify IRCode and make some expressions nicer to work with. The possible expressions one can encountered in lowered ASTs are documented here.

Reverse-mode specific stuff: return type retrieval, ADInfo, bbcode.jl, zero_like_rdata.jl. The BBCode structure was a convenience for IR transformation.

Beyond the interpreter folder, check out tangents.jl for forward mode.

FData and RData are not useful in forward mode, Tangent is the right representation.

For testing, generate_test_functions from test_resources.jl should all pass. Recycle the functionality from reverse mode test utils.

To manipulate IRCode, check out the fields:

  • ir.argtypes is the signature. Some are annotated with Core.Const to facilitate constant propagation for instance. Other annotations are PartialStruct, Conditional, PartialTypeVar. Core.Compiler.widenconst is used to extract types from these.
  • ir.stmts is a Core.Compiler.InstructionStream. This represents a sequence of instructions via 5 vectors of the same length:
    • stmts.stmt is a vector of expressions (or other IR node types), see AST docs
    • stmts.type is a vector of types for the left-hand side of the assignment
    • three others
  • ir.cfg is the Control Flow Graph of type Core.Compiler.CFG
  • ir.meta is metadata, not important
  • ir.new_nodes is an optimization buffer, not important
  • ir.sptypes is for type parameters of the called function

We must maintain coherence between the various components of IRCode (especially ir.stmts and ir.cfg). That is the reason behind BBCode, to make coherence easier. We can deduce the CFG from the statements but not the other way around: it's only composed of blocks of statement indices. In forward mode we shouldn't have to modify anything but ir.stmts. Do line by line transformation of the statements and then possibly refresh the CFG.

Example of line-by-line transformations are in make_ad_stmts!. The IRCode nodes are not explicitly documented in https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/devdocs/ast/#Lowered-form or https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/devdocs/ssair/#Main-SSA-data-structure. Might need completion of official docs, but Mooncake docs in the meantime.

Inlining pass can prevent us from using high-level rules by inlining the function (e.g. unrolling a loop). The contexts in interpreter/contexts.jl are MinimalCtx (necessary for AD to work) and DefaultCtx (ensure that we hit all of the rules). Distinction between rules is not well maintained in Mooncake at the moment. The function is_primitive defines whether we should recurse into the function during AD and break it into parts, or look for a rule. If we define a rule we should set is_primitive to true for the corresponding function.

In interpreter/abstract_interpretation.jl we interact with the Julia compiler. The most important part is preventing the compiler from inlining.

The MooncakeInterpreter subtypes Core.Compiler.AbstractInterpreter to interpret Julia code. There are also Cthulhu, Enzyme, JET interpreters. Tells you how things get run.

For second order we will need to adapt IR lookup to misty closures.