Defining Rules
Most of the time, Mooncake.jl can just differentiate your code, but you will need to intervene if you make use of a language feature which is unsupported. However, this does not always necessitate writing your own rrule!!
from scratch. In this section, we detail some useful strategies which can help you avoid having to write rrule!!
s in many situations, which we discuss before discussing the more involved process of actually writing rules.
Simplfiying Code via Overlays
— Macro@mooncake_overlay method_expr
Define a method of a function which only Mooncake can see. This can be used to write versions of methods which can be successfully differentiated by Mooncake if the original cannot be.
For example, suppose that you have a function
julia> foo(x::Float64) = bar(x)
foo (generic function with 1 method)
where Mooncake.jl fails to differentiate bar
for some reason. If you have access to another function baz
, which does the same thing as bar
, but does so in a way which Mooncake.jl can differentiate, you can simply write:
julia> Mooncake.@mooncake_overlay foo(x::Float64) = baz(x)
When looking up the code for foo(::Float64)
, Mooncake.jl will see this method, rather than the original, and differentiate it instead.
A Worked Example
To demonstrate how to use @mooncake_overlay
s in practice, we here demonstrate how the answer that Mooncake.jl gives changes if you change the definition of a function using a @mooncake_overlay
. Do not do this in practice – this is just a simple way to demonostrate how to use overlays!
First, consider a simple example:
julia> scale(x) = 2x
scale (generic function with 1 method)
julia> rule = Mooncake.build_rrule(Tuple{typeof(scale), Float64});
julia> Mooncake.value_and_gradient!!(rule, scale, 5.0)
(10.0, (NoTangent(), 2.0))
We can use @mooncake_overlay
to change the definition which Mooncake.jl sees:
julia> Mooncake.@mooncake_overlay scale(x) = 3x
julia> rule = Mooncake.build_rrule(Tuple{typeof(scale), Float64});
julia> Mooncake.value_and_gradient!!(rule, scale, 5.0)
(15.0, (NoTangent(), 3.0))
As can be seen from the output, the result of differentiating using Mooncake.jl has changed to reflect the overlay-ed definition of the method.
Additionally, it is possible to use the usual multi-line syntax to declare an overlay:
julia> Mooncake.@mooncake_overlay function scale(x)
return 4x
julia> rule = Mooncake.build_rrule(Tuple{typeof(scale), Float64});
julia> Mooncake.value_and_gradient!!(rule, scale, 5.0)
(20.0, (NoTangent(), 4.0))
Functions with Zero Adjoint
If the above strategy does not work, but you find yourself in the surprisingly common situation that the adjoint of the derivative of your function is always zero, you can very straightforwardly write a rule by making use of the following:
— Macro@zero_adjoint ctx sig
Defines is_primitive(context_type, sig) = true
, and defines a method of Mooncake.rrule!!
which returns zero for all inputs. Users of ChainRules.jl should be familiar with this functionality – it is morally the same as ChainRulesCore.@non_differentiable
For example:
julia> using Mooncake: @zero_adjoint, DefaultCtx, zero_fcodual, rrule!!, is_primitive
julia> foo(x) = 5
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @zero_adjoint DefaultCtx Tuple{typeof(foo), Any}
julia> is_primitive(DefaultCtx, Tuple{typeof(foo), Any})
julia> rrule!!(zero_fcodual(foo), zero_fcodual(3.0))[2](NoRData())
(NoRData(), 0.0)
Limited support for Vararg
s is also available. For example
julia> using Mooncake: @zero_adjoint, DefaultCtx, zero_fcodual, rrule!!, is_primitive
julia> foo_varargs(x...) = 5
foo_varargs (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @zero_adjoint DefaultCtx Tuple{typeof(foo_varargs), Vararg}
julia> is_primitive(DefaultCtx, Tuple{typeof(foo_varargs), Any, Float64, Int})
julia> rrule!!(zero_fcodual(foo_varargs), zero_fcodual(3.0), zero_fcodual(5))[2](NoRData())
(NoRData(), 0.0, NoRData())
Be aware that it is not currently possible to specify any of the type parameters of the Vararg
. For example, the signature Tuple{typeof(foo), Vararg{Float64, 5}}
will not work with this macro.
WARNING: this is only correct if the output of the function does not alias any fields of the function, or any of its arguments. For example, applying this macro to the function x -> x
will yield incorrect results.
As always, you should use TestUtils.test_rule
to ensure that you've not made a mistake.
Signatures Unsupported By This Macro
If the signature you wish to apply @zero_adjoint
to is not supported, for example because it uses a Vararg
with a type parameter, you can still make use of zero_adjoint
— Functionzero_adjoint(f::CoDual, x::Vararg{CoDual, N}) where {N}
Utility functionality for constructing rrule!!
s for functions which produce adjoints which always return zero.
NOTE: you should only make use of this function if you cannot make use of the @zero_adjoint
You make use of this functionality by writing a method of Mooncake.rrule!!
, and passing all of its arguments (including the function itself) to this function. For example:
julia> import Mooncake: zero_adjoint, DefaultCtx, zero_fcodual, rrule!!, is_primitive, CoDual
julia> foo(x::Vararg{Int}) = 5
foo (generic function with 1 method)
julia> is_primitive(::Type{DefaultCtx}, ::Type{<:Tuple{typeof(foo), Vararg{Int}}}) = true;
julia> rrule!!(f::CoDual{typeof(foo)}, x::Vararg{CoDual{Int}}) = zero_adjoint(f, x...);
julia> rrule!!(zero_fcodual(foo), zero_fcodual(3), zero_fcodual(2))[2](NoRData())
(NoRData(), NoRData(), NoRData())
WARNING: this is only correct if the output of primal(f)(map(primal, x)...)
does not alias anything in f
or x
. This is always the case if the result is a bits type, but more care may be required if it is not. ```
Using ChainRules.jl
ChainRules.jl provides a large number of rules for differentiating functions in reverse-mode. These rules are methods of the ChainRulesCore.rrule
function. There are some instances where it is most convenient to implement a Mooncake.rrule!!
by wrapping an existing ChainRulesCore.rrule
There is enough similarity between these two systems that most of the boilerplate code can be avoided.
— Macro@from_rrule ctx sig [has_kwargs=false]
Convenience functionality to assist in using ChainRulesCore.rrule
s to write rrule!!
: A Mooncake context typesig
: the signature which you wish to assert should be a primitive inMooncake.jl
, and use an existingChainRulesCore.rrule
to implement this functionality.has_kwargs
: aBool
state whether or not the function has keyword arguments. This feature has the same limitations asChainRulesCore.rrule
– the derivative w.r.t. all kwargs must be zero.
Example Usage
A Basic Example
julia> using Mooncake: @from_rrule, DefaultCtx, rrule!!, zero_fcodual, TestUtils
julia> import ChainRulesCore
julia> foo(x::Real) = 5x;
julia> function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(foo), x::Real)
foo_pb(Ω::Real) = ChainRulesCore.NoTangent(), 5Ω
return foo(x), foo_pb
julia> @from_rrule DefaultCtx Tuple{typeof(foo), Base.IEEEFloat}
julia> rrule!!(zero_fcodual(foo), zero_fcodual(5.0))[2](1.0)
(NoRData(), 5.0)
julia> # Check that the rule works as intended.
TestUtils.test_rule(Xoshiro(123), foo, 5.0; is_primitive=true)
Test Passed
An Example with Keyword Arguments
julia> using Mooncake: @from_rrule, DefaultCtx, rrule!!, zero_fcodual, TestUtils
julia> import ChainRulesCore
julia> foo(x::Real; cond::Bool) = cond ? 5x : 4x;
julia> function ChainRulesCore.rrule(::typeof(foo), x::Real; cond::Bool)
foo_pb(Ω::Real) = ChainRulesCore.NoTangent(), cond ? 5Ω : 4Ω
return foo(x; cond), foo_pb
julia> @from_rrule DefaultCtx Tuple{typeof(foo), Base.IEEEFloat} true
julia> _, pb = rrule!!(
zero_fcodual((cond=false, )),
julia> pb(3.0)
(NoRData(), NoRData(), NoRData(), 12.0)
julia> # Check that the rule works as intended.
Xoshiro(123), Core.kwcall, (cond=false, ), foo, 5.0; is_primitive=true
Test Passed
Notice that, in order to access the kwarg method we must call the method of Core.kwcall
, as Mooncake's rrule!!
does not itself permit the use of kwargs.
It is your responsibility to ensure that
- calls with signature
do not mutate their arguments, - the output of calls with signature
does not alias any of the inputs.
As with all hand-written rules, you should definitely make use of TestUtils.test_rule
to verify correctness on some test cases.
Argument Type Constraints
Many methods of ChainRuleCore.rrule
are implemented with very loose type constraints. For example, it would not be surprising to see a method of rrule with the signature
Tuple{typeof(rrule), typeof(foo), Real, AbstractVector{<:Real}}
There are a variety of reasons for this way of doing things, and whether it is a good idea to write rules for such generic objects has been debated at length.
Suffice it to say, you should not write rules for this package which are so generically typed. Rather, you should create rules for the subset of types for which you believe that the ChainRulesCore.rrule
will work correctly, and leave this package to derive rules for the rest. For example, it is quite common to be confident that a given rule will work correctly for any Base.IEEEFloat
argument, i.e. Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}
, but it is usually not possible to know that the rule is correct for all possible subtypes of Real
that someone might define.
Conversions Between Different Tangent Type Systems
Under the hood, this functionality relies on two functions: Mooncake.to_cr_tangent
, and Mooncake.increment_and_get_rdata!
. These two functions handle conversion to / from Mooncake
tangent types and ChainRulesCore
tangent types. This functionality is known to work well for simple types, but has not been tested to a great extent on complicated composite types. If @from_rrule
does not work in your case because the required method of either of these functions does not exist, please open an issue.
Adding Methods To rrule!!
And build_primitive_rrule
If the above strategies do not work for you, you should first implement a method of Mooncake.is_primitive
for the signature of interest:
— Functionis_primitive(::Type{Ctx}, sig) where {Ctx}
Returns a Bool
specifying whether the methods specified by sig
are considered primitives in the context of contexts of type Ctx
is_primitive(DefaultCtx, Tuple{typeof(sin), Float64})
will return if calling sin(5.0)
should be treated as primitive when the context is a DefaultCtx
Observe that this information means that whether or not something is a primitive in a particular context depends only on static information, not any run-time information that might live in a particular instance of Ctx
Then implement a method of one of the following:
— Functionrrule!!(f::CoDual, x::CoDual...)
Performs the forwards-pass of AD. The tangent
field of f
and each x
should contain the forwards tangent data (fdata) associated to each corresponding primal
Returns a 2-tuple. The first element, y
, is a CoDual
whose primal
field is the value associated to running f.primal(map(x -> x.primal, x)...)
, and whose tangent
field is its associated fdata
. The second element contains the pullback, which runs the reverse-pass. It maps from the rdata associated to y
to the rdata associated to f
and each x
using Mooncake: zero_fcodual, CoDual, NoFData, rrule!!
y, pb!! = rrule!!(zero_fcodual(sin), CoDual(5.0, NoFData()))
# output
(NoRData(), 0.28366218546322625)
— Functionbuild_primitive_rrule(sig::Type{<:Tuple})
Construct an rrule for signature sig
. For this function to be called in build_rrule
, you must also ensure that is_primitive(context_type, sig)
is true
. The callable returned by this must obey the rrule interface, but there are no restrictions on the type of callable itself. For example, you might return a callable struct
. By default, this function returns rrule!!
so, most of the time, you should just implement a method of rrule!!
Extended Help
The purpose of this function is to permit computation at rule construction time, which can be re-used at runtime. For example, you might wish to derive some information from sig
which you use at runtime (e.g. the fdata type of one of the arguments). While constant propagation will often optimise this kind of computation away, it will sometimes fail to do so in hard-to-predict circumstances. Consequently, if you need certain computations not to happen at runtime in order to guarantee good performance, you might wish to e.g. emit a callable struct
with type parameters which are the result of this computation. In this context, the motivation for using this function is the same as that of using staged programming (e.g. via @generated
functions) more generally.